Everglades Birding Logo
Things you should bring along on your Everglades Birding trip:
Baseball Cap
Bird Field ID book
Bird List
Polarized sun glasses
Rain Gear
Great Sense of Adventure
Wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Light fabrics in summer and warmer in winter. The sun is almost always shining here - so sun protection is a must.

Everglades Birding Sample Bird List

Birds Observed on 4/6/2013 by Capt. Dave Hunt and Joel on Birding Trip to Florida Bay
1. Black-crowned night heron 17. Long-billed dowitcher 33. Semi-palmated sandpiper
2. Yellow-crowned night heron 18. Red knot 34. Ruddy turnstone
3. White-crowned pigeon 19. Semi-palmated plover 35. Reddish egret
4. Black skimmer 20. Caspian tern 36. Peregrine falcon
5. Laughing gull 21. Red-shouldered hawk 37. Black vulture
6. Marbled godwit 22. Prairie warbler 38. Gray catbird
7. White ibis 23. Tri-colored heron 39. Lesser yellowlegs
8. Spotted sandpiper 24. Snowy egret 40. Black-necked stilt
9. Little blue heron 25. White pelican 41. Northern shoveler
10. Roseate spoonbill 26. Brown pelican 42. Fish crow
11. Tree swallow 27. Osprey 43. Red-winged blackbird
12. Cattle egret 28. Great crested flycatcher 44. Wood stork
13. Whimbrel 29. Great blue heron 45. American coot
14. Black-bellied plover 30. White heron 46. Anhinga
15. Dunlin 31. Double-crested cormorant  
16. Least sandpiper 32. Willet